Thursday, December 27, 2012

Winter's evening

                         It's one of those winter mornings where I woke up really late. Morning's passed. Determined to make the most of my day, I went to Barnes & Nobles, which was much more preferable than being an idle lily back home. Shortly thereafter, I chose a guide that'll help at sometime when taking the PCAT. Walking all ways through the bookstore, I caught glimpse of someone. Blake. I went to that shelf and kind of talked to him, then selected a book to skim and trailed away downstairs. Then I talked to the bookstore associate as she helped me order a couple of novels. I guess I happen to socialize with people often, probably because I'm open-minded and think that this world's about exchanging ideas and immersing yourself in the diversity wherever the opportunities are applied. After that, I asked if anyone's got a membership card, and unfortunately no one does. However, as I went questioning, I met people from overseas. I heard this girl saying something that I dimly recognized. We introduced each other, and she said that she's from Sweden. Her family and her are visiting. Somehow, I met her in the same time and the same place out of all the days in December and all the people in America. Her name was Hanna Lindblom, her sister's Linnea, and her brother's Adam. My commonly given name is Linnea Eklund, even my e-mail says it and from the college mails that I request from sought-after schools, like Barnard College. She's a couple of years older than I, and her sister a couple years younger. They were tall and international. We got to know about one another's school systems, books, traveling, whatever else. Then she had to leave and we parted ways. If I was asked what day was the last best day of 2012, guess. Four days until New Year's. I'll see where 2013 takes me, or anyone in general.