Thursday, December 27, 2012

Winter's evening

                         It's one of those winter mornings where I woke up really late. Morning's passed. Determined to make the most of my day, I went to Barnes & Nobles, which was much more preferable than being an idle lily back home. Shortly thereafter, I chose a guide that'll help at sometime when taking the PCAT. Walking all ways through the bookstore, I caught glimpse of someone. Blake. I went to that shelf and kind of talked to him, then selected a book to skim and trailed away downstairs. Then I talked to the bookstore associate as she helped me order a couple of novels. I guess I happen to socialize with people often, probably because I'm open-minded and think that this world's about exchanging ideas and immersing yourself in the diversity wherever the opportunities are applied. After that, I asked if anyone's got a membership card, and unfortunately no one does. However, as I went questioning, I met people from overseas. I heard this girl saying something that I dimly recognized. We introduced each other, and she said that she's from Sweden. Her family and her are visiting. Somehow, I met her in the same time and the same place out of all the days in December and all the people in America. Her name was Hanna Lindblom, her sister's Linnea, and her brother's Adam. My commonly given name is Linnea Eklund, even my e-mail says it and from the college mails that I request from sought-after schools, like Barnard College. She's a couple of years older than I, and her sister a couple years younger. They were tall and international. We got to know about one another's school systems, books, traveling, whatever else. Then she had to leave and we parted ways. If I was asked what day was the last best day of 2012, guess. Four days until New Year's. I'll see where 2013 takes me, or anyone in general.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Höstterminen 2012 neurovetenskap

Mårten Risling, professor i anatomi vid institutionen för neurovetenskap: "Traumatiska skador i centrala nervsystemet", den 13 september 2012.
Ur seminarieserien för studenter "Låt dig inspireras av en professor" på Karolinska Institutet, höstterminen 2012.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Waking up, drawing for h.s.'s 2013 yrbk, e-mailing Amanda Pham, revering Pandora's jewels, college decisions, referencing.... Good night.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Torsdag morgon

It's 6:24am in the morning. I've awaken since sometime past 5 and showered. I'm am so worried. High school is so different. The subjects in which I loved becomes harder, and to prevail is a question that I always ask myself if I will. I am doing well in Physics, and have no regrets in admitting this truth. It is dear to have some kind of achievement, for it gives me a sense of self-worth. Yesterday, people were getting new schedules because the school wanted to maintain a 25 students per classroom rule, except that the AP classes are overpopulated. I decided, why not, since new schedules are given out, that I might change mine as well? So after underestimating my intelligence, I switched out of Physics. I once had an average grade there; after the class change did I realized that I improved and it's too late. As expected, I am in Journalism II Hrs. It's exactly a month from the first day of school, and coming in as the new girl, I have hopes to not lose track. Life's a trail and misguiding yourself won't see your target.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Haircut 10 days ago... August 17th. Today's the 27th, and hurricane Issac took its winds and visited us. The storms seem to endlessly move and return. Rains halt, but only for so much time until it recycles. Moving on, I really know what it means to be a an AP student. It's one week already and my weekend is all schoolwork and test practices. There's school on Tuesday, so we lost a day, meaning that there's plenty to do for our 4 days week. However, with 3 online classes and a cauldron of spiced subjects at the end of my tunnel, I haven't known where's my end... and I haven't finished reading Modern Europe's chapter 1. My periodic table doesn't have the elements' names underneath because we're expected to memorize it and identify it by just seeing the symbols. We went over Chemical Foundations and Atoms, Molecules, and Ions last week. I took enough notes, but my calculations are a mess. Chapter 1 of Chemistry has 116 questions and chapter 2 has 112 questions. Our teacher stated that if we don't try these problems throughout the week and over the weekend, then our test on Tuesday will show our lack of practice. The easiest class would be AICE Marine Science... The textbook's slim and it's a really interesting subject. Right, my adjectives are so underclassmen... My thinking skills class should improve my talk in a month or so and my writing. I miss being my 12/13 years old self sometimes. My memory was at its peak and my writing was pages of imagery. High school's really amazing, since I made like, 3 friends fast in first period on my first day of school... and more friends after. Getting to know people is good, and it keeps you open-minded and social.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


It's gotten quiet since my arrival from the island. I can summarize my Summer in fyra words: Black hair, Bohemian flair. Before taking my escape, I dyed my hair jet black, of which I now noticed the few strands fading at the night realm. Andros Island served true to itself by attracting tourists with a reward of marine blue and forests. I struggled with swimming, though I won't deny that floating was a breeze. I could float forever, out in the Atlantic, lost, careless, tranquil. Dinners were magnificent, endearing, a setting that held cosiness, I would never lose to cherish my luxe. There were times of grace on thread,  shut out as a lamentable creature, silent as washed whelks. Those times need not to be remembered. Earlier, just hours apart from now, my father and I came to school. Open house is next week, and having been just a week off, my excitement is indefinable. Receiving my schedule has lit my spirits like during Winter Break. I have Advanced placement Chem. and psy., four aice classes, and my regular class, surprise, surprise, is Algebra II. It's the 3rd time I've been placed in Marine Sci. I initiated my interest in the major in 5th grade, and it wasn't till day 1 of 9th grade second semester that I had the privilege of reserving myself to what I dovote most upon. As if fate has it way, I changed due to being admitted in Kemi honors. I wasn't prepared to lose my hopes, not just yet. So I assigned once in Marine Science online and shortly thereafter, was withdrawn by my teacher. With Fall coming, I happen to snatch a chance of  aice M. S. aice General paper, the uppermost popular of 10th grade English, is printed in ink, truth and dare. One of my friends, however distant, said that aice thinking skills helps your SAT and ACT. So, taking my journey to adrenaline heights, I requested that. God had mercy, my 2nd chances aflight, spirit rose, a moment of downfall morose... My mother is home, while I wonder when I'll cross over Nome. I wave my last, so that I might leave to mend other deeds.

Monday, July 16, 2012

English blog, Mrs. Howland

Social Networking
There a thunderstorm battled for its sovereignity at night as I sat at the windowside, cogitating many appalling, contemplative causes that are prevailing from dusky malevolence. However sought after they are, people ought to recollect a significant saying that the past prognosticates the future. These should be averted to Earth's modest and chastity. I reckon the infinity of spiteful, intricate problems plaguing our lives, such as gambling, stealing, insincerity, faithlessness, and all else endangering virtue, crushing the gem of society. Of all we've witnessed, a mind with erudite sociology will figure a present, cultural proclivity to social sites. Mapping out your opinions of social networking advocates an elevating, lithe debate. I think that social-networking sites could eradicate high-spirited college or job acceptances. My primary reason is that prospective students whose notable admitting is close to luck personally posts prominent images or unforgiving rebel statuses that might shift any admisson officer's point of view of who you are. These sites like Facebook, Myspace, etc. provides liberation bonded with a freedom of speech, so students forget who's going to lurk their profiles. I read an article earlier which proves my opinion all right. Online Profiles Block Students From Getting Into College quoted, "The report points to one instance in which a student bragged on his profile that he thought he performed exceptionally well in the application process for a school, but that he no longer wanted to attend that school. Because of the profile, an admissions officer reported rejecting the student, the report shows." My second reason is that for career, your boss sees how much you post or are distracted with the internet and they also take a glance at your privy life. People who are job-hunting probably needs to deactivate or delete their accounts before applying for a job because your boss can check and if you gossiped about your last company, what makes you any different for another future career? Your boss can foretell your employee situations based on what they are reading off the webpage. Another article, Social Networks Can Promote Your Career, Too, gave two intuitive facts----"Denver-did you ever think a handful of words posted on an internet site could make or break your career?" and "I read their resume and then I Google them, and then go and try to find them on a network to see what they do and how they act", Ron West said. Instead of restricting my explanation to facts and reasons, I would write an anecdote predicting my future if I have a Facebook account. I envisage editing my profile, speculatively rejuvenating my urbane educational outlooks. As a senior at this time, I put... Apotekarprogrammet or psykologprogrammet at Uppsala University, then applied for M.S. psychology at Lynn University. If LU ever searches up my Facebook, then the office of admissions will be mildly bewildered, and what's more, the profile information poignantly castigates them. The sight of this will make then think inertially that they are the back-up lifesaver. LU may mail me a rejection letter passively cordial. Where's the incentive? I see myself remaining supine, dreaming to unseal another letter, one that will ameliorate that loss. I thought about my alacrity which bear no acquisition, and Facebook, the one commencing cause that will rive my runner-up universities and I. People will believe I'm sanctimonious in diplomatic ways, which is the last conclusion, definite to elucidate. Intrusive admission officers could overlook my ardent edits or anyone's. Blogs and vlogs are respectable and less sociable; almost autobiographies, and remember that it's not a diary.
Reciting resources- Profiles block students from getting into college by David Kane and Stephanie Stevenson, and Social Networks can promote your career, too by Ron West and Liz Lynch,

Monday, June 11, 2012

It's 7, close to 8. The sun rose far and high, across blue clarity comes the haunting chirps of birds, whose prescence is invisible, but its echos etched into the air like footprints on sand. The volume imprints through the air, shattering silence.  I love mornings, and seeing the sunrise from its peak to shuddering completion means more versus hearing a second person's sterling description. Abstract, classical angelicism convinces me that I am in a apprentice's canvas. Arcing my arms like a peregrine, I heard the leaves rustling, saw the light cascading through a shield of sheer transparency. My home was lit, and even chandeliers would be outmatched in blaze. A blue-green sphere invites a sky of neutrals. Wisps of grey knits about the blue, and thus sculpting a smoke of whimsical watercolors. A chill of air moves my soul, as it brings the birds to flight, at last in sight. Rays above softens and dims, may it be by will or by a misty tumbleweed of white? Reverence possess me, as it would for anyone, if time is taken to thank for heaven's glorious grace. The rest's mirror turns vintage, though clearness stains in the midst of ciderfall brilliance. Across the country outdoors, there would be verdent valleys quenched in rainy dewdrops of the dawn. Turtledoves choirs melodically thereafter, reminding me of Armonia's chapter one. Stony lila barks of cedar I think of, and frozen ashes of blue most resembles morning, wherever it might exist. Ivy climbing walls and young, sage leaflets sailing in the river. I must leave, so through last note, these words of mine will say to a limit, therefore it's a gift to overeastimate what is read because the exterior is universal. Each hour, season, and weather creates a time endangered in repetition. Typing adjourned.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Two days ago, I went to the Apple store and once became weary of surfing the websites on Safari, it all came to reasoning why I chose to visit Apple in the first place. Sentimental simplicity collided, therefore condensing the messenger grain of electricity which flew to shock me and then a mental pause. Hesitating, I knew that this was the point of no return as I was given a second privlege to preserve my registration in virtual school English. Then, it was during the time where monthly calls were approaching and I anxiously tried to race through my pre-course assignment, the first and only t'was scarcely striving in effort itself. Perhaps, looking through the weeds of a literal languish personality, there is an ember euphoria efflorescing at the eye of my spirit. The hibernating nucleolus unlocked, and I expressed the most of my ability to single out my aim, isolating it from a world of raucous cacophony and irrelevant, diverging distractions. Occasionally, in times treasured and special, I'd be placidly awake and pacificly endeavouring, my mind rapidly penetrating, that much captivated when the clock ticks, each second moving forward, leaving no regrets for those decoding their colossal obstables. I could almost relive that moment, for therefore was it wistful, those pure, precious minutes. It's a remedy to cure the academical sluggers if you were to realize that it's an emergency and straighten your pessimism, your thoughts shooting far into galaxies unknown, moonlit and extraterrestrially acute. What there was left were memoirs of the rejoicing, relieving revelation at the end. 'What ifs' will attempt to allure you into the prescence of fears, but giving tries are worth overcoming doubts that equally frighten you to eradicate your troubles, though truth is exiling yourself doesn't tranquilly vanish your concerns. At times of thorned desperation, I would be willing, without mandatorily rethinking, to activate my momentum and impulsively cutting the ribbon of a fractional exploit. Personally, I judged myself bittersweetly indifferent; although it was a couple of days beforehand that I precipitated a theory of where I can change, if I were to acknowledge that my actions could gravitate to a sense of achievement. In the epilogue, it was bliss to unclutch my fluttering agonies, the malignant miseries liberating into escape.